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Dance KS4 Vocab


An additional item of costume, for example gloves


Speeding up the movement.


The sound that you hear during a dance. For example, percussion.


When a dancer performs a series of movements and others join in at different times until all perform in unison.

Air pattern

A design that is traced in the air by part of the body.


Recognition and understanding of the qualities of dance.

Artistic intention

The aim of a dance; what the choreographer aims to communicate.


Creative skill.


Relating to sound.

Aural setting

An audible accompaniment to the dance such as music, words, song and natural sound (or silence).


A composition in two parts or sections.

Choreographic approach

The way in which a choreographer makes the dance.

Choreographic devices

Methods used to develop and vary material.

Choreographic intention

The aim of the dance; what the choreographer aims to communicate.

Choreographic processes

Activities involved in creating dance such as improvisation, selection and development.


The most significant moment of the dance.


Perform actions or shapes that are similar to but not exactly the same as another dancers.

Constituent features

Characteristics of choreography such as style, stimulus, subject matter, number/gender of dancers, action content, choreographic principles, form and structure, physical and aural settings.


Movements or shapes that have nothing in common.


The ability to start and stop movement, change direction and hold a shape efficiently.


The efficient combination of body parts.


When dancers perform different phrases simultaneously.

Critical appreciation

Evaluation of dance based upon knowledge and understanding, including original insights.


Slowing down the movement.


The way in which movement material is manipulated.


The qualities of movement based upon variations in speed, strength and flow.

Elements of dance

Actions, space, dynamics and relationships.


The action of ‘going up’ without support, such as in a jump.


A performance space with the audience on one side; also known as ‘end-on’.


A choreography with several sections, linked by a theme.


Carrying out actions with the required intention.

Expressive skills

Aspects that contribute to performance artistry and that engage the audience, such as focus and musicality.


Lengthening one or more muscles or limbs.


The overall shape and structure of a dance.


Use of parts of a phrase or motif.


Important moments of a dance.


Relating to ideas or concepts.


Exploration or generation of movements without planning.


A performing area with the audience seated on all sides.


Aim or desired outcome.


Finding the meaning that is in the movement or finding the movement that is in the idea.


Sensory perception (or awareness) of movement and position.


The illumination of the performance area.

Logical sequence

The flow of phrases or sections of a dance.

Manipulation of number

How the number of dancers in a group is used.

Mental rehearsal

Thinking through or visualising the dance.

Mental skills

These include commitment, concentration, confidence, movement memory, systematic repetition, mental rehearsal, rehearsal discipline, planning of rehearsal, response to feedback and capacity to improve.


A movement phrase encapsulating an idea that is repeated and developed throughout the dance.

Motif development

Ways in which a movement phrase can be varied.

Movement material

The matter of dance: actions, space, dynamics and relationships.

Movement memory

The automatic recall of learned movement material, without conscious thought.


The ability to make the unique qualities of the accompaniment evident in performance.


Designs traced in space (on the floor or in the air).

Patterns (spatial)

A repeated design traced in space (on the floor or in the air).

Performance environments

Different settings for dance such as in-the-round, proscenium and site-sensitive.


A short sequence of linked movements.


The way in which the energy is distributed in the execution of a movement phrase.

Physical skills

Aspects enabling effective performance such as posture, alignment, balance, coordination, control, flexibility, mobility, strength, stamina, extension and isolation.


The energy the dancer uses to connect with and draw in the audience.

Rehearsal discipline

Attributes and skills required for refining performance such as commitment, systematic repetition, teamwork, responsibility and effective use of time.


Reversing a movement phrase.

Rhythmic content

Repeated patterns of sound or movement.


A music or dance form with alternating and repeating sections e.g. verse and chorus.

Safe execution

Carrying out actions safely.

Safe working practice

Personal care, respect for others, safe execution and preparation and recovery from dancing.

Sensitivity to other dancers

Awareness of and connection to other dancers.

Site sensitive

Dances that are designed for (or relate to) non-theatre spaces.

Spatial awareness

Consciousness of the surrounding space and its effective use.

Spatial design

The way that elements of space have been considered, utilised and designed (can be personal space and general space).


Ability to maintain physical and mental energy over periods of time.


Inspiration for an idea or movement.


The way in which material is organised to create the whole.

Structuring devices

The ways in which a dance is made, built, ordered or organised.

Style fusion

The combination of features of two or more styles.

Systematic repetition

Repeating something in an arranged or ordered way.


Relating to the sense of touch.

Technical skills

These include accuracy of action, timing, dynamic, rhythmic and spatial content and the reproduction of movement in a stylistically accurate way.


A composition in three parts.


A sense of ‘wholeness’ or harmony.


Relating to sight.

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