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King Edward Foundation

The Foundation is a registered UK charity that supports students, both past and present of King Edward VI School. It holds the legacy endowment funds of KEGS when it closed.

The Foundation, regulated under Charitable Trusts Acts, may:

  • Provide scholarships, bursaries and financial assistance to current and previous students of the school up to the age of 25 when entering a profession, trade or calling, when travelling overseas to pursue their education or when seeking to study music or other art.

The Foundation may also:

  • Provide, or assist in the provision of facilities for, recreation, social and physical training including coaching.

In addition to the above, the Foundation also:

  • Provides the school with a yearly sum to provide such special benefit, not normally provided by the Local Education Authority, as may be agreed through the Trustees.

Details of, and eligibility for such benefits are available from the Headteacher at any time.

The Trustees of the charity are volunteers who are passionate about helping young people and supporting the very special school of which they are so proud to be associated.

An example of their generous support is their purchasing a new mini bus for the school this year.

They also fund an organ scholar to support our music department and deepen links with the cathedral.

Matthew is our 2023/25 organ scholar who has been an invaluable member of the music team.

Trustees of the Foundation have also provided a significant range of grants to support travel, music and sports for current students. These include elite top-level sport for gifted sportspeople and standard music lessons for those who might not otherwise be able to afford them. One ex student was supported in conducting post graduate level research in Africa to support an application to the Civil Service.

If you are a King Edward VI student or ex student and you need funds to do something which will make a big difference to your education and development, the Foundation wants to hear from you!

The more detail that can be put into an application the better. Well thought through requests which also demonstrate personal commitment are more likely to be successful. Applications should be made by the student however with students under 16 we expect parents to assist and support with this process. We are particularly interested in supporting families in financial hardship.

King Edward VI students representing Great Britain in an international Tchoukball competition supported by the Foundation.

The Trustees are always keen to receive details and pictures of any events and activities which they sponsor to help promote the work of the Foundation.

Grant application form

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