Report a Concern

How We Appoint

We aim to recruit outstanding people. The quality of our staff is very important to us. We would rather make no appointment than appoint someone who is not suited to our ethos. For this reason we try to articulate clearly our values and expectations, and to see candidates in a range of activities. We are strongly committed to child protection and no one may work here without rigorous CRB checking. At interview we will want to discuss your CV in detail. We always take up references and will expect you to bring a passport or other proof of identity to interview.

We aim to recruit staff who:

  • are excited by their role and by the prospect of working with young people
  • love the processes of learning and teaching and are keen to develop their own skills
  • recognise that teaching is a demanding job but who get on with it rather than complaining
  • are keen to participate in out-of-hours activities
  • see break duty as an opportunity to talk to students
  • are quick to praise and slow to criticise
  • see themselves as potential leaders of the future

How to apply

To apply for any post, please complete an application form and return it to us by email or post. If you wish to discuss any role in more detail, phone us, asking initially for Sarah Trueman, HR Manager. We apologise that we are unable to acknowledge every application or to give feedback to applicants who are not shortlisted.

The appointment process

We give a lot of attention to appointing the right person.

On arrival you will usually meet the Headteacher or Deputy Head. We will give you chance to see the school, talk to students and meet colleagues. When appointing new teachers, we always observe you teaching a brief sample lesson of around 30 minutes. We may also ask you to mark some students’ work or to write a sample report or letter. You will normally meet a student panel. We will also give you lunch in the dining hall so that you can get more of a sense of the culture and ethos of the school. The interview itself will last no more than 30 minutes after which you will usually be free to go home: we will call you later with the result and feedback on how you did.

Feedback tells us that applicants appreciate the rigour and professionalism of our appointment process – it proves to be less daunting than it sounds!